Saturday, November 6, 2010

The first day....

Well, it's been a whole week - a crazy, wonderful, stressful, unbelievable whole week. I'm now in my cozy little nook in downtown London awaiting a fridge and my friend to come down to share some of her poetry and music with me. Tottenham is playing Bolton this afternoon, then I'm skyping with my parents and checking out the town tonight. It's going to be another great day in London.

I had trepidations about settling in but they were completely unfounded. Everyone here is so friendly, social, and willing to lend a hand. The good people at Classroom Canada are supportive and helpful, and even good at giving directions! (My worst fear was - and still is - getting lost on my way to school in the morning.)

Friday was my first day teaching. I had a Year Five class, which is equivalent to grade five in Canada. I walked into the school feeling a bit jittery, but ultimately confident. I picked the students up from their play area and lead them into the class, unsure, really, of how the whole thing would go. Their shy smiles and inquisitive looks were amusing and comforting, but for all I knew they could have been plotting sinister, manipulative schemes behind their young cheerful faces and neat accents. It turns out they were not. At all. We had an awesome day that went by in a flash. I left the school feeling confident and waited for the bus for the long commute home. The bus finally came, only to stop running mid-route. I then negotiated the tubes towards the Classroom offices to drop off my pay sheet. I got there in the nick of time and dodged people on the street as I very nearly ran to my flat. It was Guy Fawkes Day after all, and I didn't want to miss the fun! A group of us went to see the fireworks, and then had a bite to eat in a downtown London restaurant. We returned to our building and shared some wine as we discussed life and teaching and this whole new adventure we were all a part of.

Well, I should really grab a bite to eat. My fridge did arrive but I haven't had a chance to buy groceries yet. I guess I will defer that chore until tomorrow, if the shops are open.

Stay tuned for next week's update!!


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